A change to the UFU ACT Branch rules to establish a Retired Members’ Division, similar to Victoria’s, is proposed.
The proposed change is intended to ensure that UFU members are able to maintain contact with the union and with each other in retirement.
It reflects a shift in the UFU’s emphasis on firefighter wellness to encompass wellness in retirement.
For example many retired firefighters are not aware of their entitlement to lodge workers’ compensation claims once retired, and this is particularly important in cases of occupational cancer covered by presumptive legislation. One case recently involved a retired member contacting the union, unaware of his right to lodge a claim. We were able to instruct our solicitors, and a claim was lodged and accepted. This initiative is aimed at ensuring that such occurrences happen as a matter of course, rather than by chance.
The UFU ACT BCOM approved the proposed change at its meeting on 28 September 2017.
Legally, the change will take effect 28 days after BCOM’s decision unless members raise objections by 26 October.
We trust you will agree that this is a worthwhile initiative.
We hope to formally launch the initiative at this year’s Annual General Meeting, which should occur in early December.
Rule Change re Retired Members Division as approved by BCOM 28.09.2017